

Pronouns: She/Her

Teaching style: flowing movements found in a vinyasa style class

Favorite pose(s): Triangle and Half-Pigeon 

Bio: Hi, my name is Nozomi-Jane. I first discovered yoga about 8 years ago and started practicing regularly as I started my career in my early twenties. I was mentally exhausted at that time living with prescription medicine. Ever since I began practicing regularly, my life started turning in a better direction.  Thanks to yoga I have felt empowered in all aspects of my life.  The yoga community has also given me so much strength, great energy, and encouragement/support to face these challenges as well.  

I love that yoga is great for improving both mental and physical health.  Every time I come to my mat, I am creating the time to face myself physically and mentally without distractions. The basis of my class is a focus on breath while leading yogis through a series of asanas. Everyone is welcome and modifications will be offered.